Music (Score)

Music (Score)

Composer Michael Giacchino is Pixar's go-to guy for film scores that are rich with sentiment, but never sappy. In addition to creating the music for Inside Out, Giacchino also scored Pixar hits like Up, Ratatouille, and The Incredibles.

His relationship with Disney goes back even further, though. Ever heard of a little video game called Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse?

Us neither.

But Giacchino wrote the tunes for that 16-bit slice of obscure video game history. He also created the sonic backdrop for movies and TV shows that don't feature anthropomorphized mice or emotions, from Lost to Jurassic World and the 21st century reboot of Star Trek. Suffice it to say, Giacchhino's resume isn't hurting for diversity.

Giacchino's score for Inside Out is sweet, but never full-on saccharine. Riley's first day of school, for example, is set against bouncing horns and churning woodwinds that recreate the whirlwind of prepping for your first day back in the classroom. As Joy sobs in the Memory Dump, the score is delicate and unobtrusive.

Giacchino's masterful touch earned him Best Score nominations from critics' associations across America, from Austin to Chicago, and snagged him the 2016 Annie Award for Best Score. The Annie are film awards handed out by film buff Annie McFlurfle of Port Washington, New York.

We're kidding, of course. The Annies are presented by the International Film Association and awarded for excellence in animation. Inside Out won ten of those suckers, including the statuette Giacchino brought home for Best Score. (The only thing Mrs. McFlurfle hands out are sketchy popcorn balls on Halloween.)