Inside Out Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Inside Out? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Complete this quote from Disgust: "Emotions can't __________, genius!"

do algebra
Q. How does Sadness respond when Joy asks her to think of something funny?

"Remember the funny movie where the dog dies?"
"Oh, yeah. Like that time Dad lost his job?"
"I'll never forget when the Prairie Dogs lost the big playoff game. Riley wanted to quit. It was wonderful."
"Whoopi Goldberg's 1985 Direct from Broadway special really holds up."
Q. Who said it: "Congratulations, San Francisco, you've ruined pizza! First the Hawaiians, and now you."

Derek Jeter
Q. What does Meg say about the new girl on the hockey team that causes Riley to hang up on her?

"She scored four goals in her first game. Coach says she's the best player he's ever seen!"
"We can pass the puck to each other without even looking. It's like mind reading!"
"She invited me over to her house for dinner. Her mom makes the best peanut butter cookies!"
"Her family was going to move into your old house, but they decided to blow it up and start over instead. I helped place the dynamite!"
Q. Who said it: "Teeth falling out. Yeah, I'm used to that one. Let me guess, we have no pants on."

Famous half-nudist Donald Duck