Dissatisfaction Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"'I would undo it to have you back. I can't undo what I've done.'" (1.629)

Claudia eventually comes to regret her decision to kill Lestat because it makes Louis turn cold toward her. Louis's dissatisfied with her decision, and she's dissatisfied with the fact that he's angry with her. Lestat is a source of dissatisfaction even after his supposed death.

Quote #8

"'Louis, your quest is for darkness only. This sea is not your sea. The myths are not your myths. Men's treasures are not yours.'" (2.30)

Before Louis and Claudia even get off the boat in Eastern Europe, he already imagines that the sea is talking to him. Yes, the sea, and this is what he thinks it's saying. Positive thinking is not one of his strong suits. Then again, what does he have to be positive about?

Quote #9

"'It began to sink in. It was as I'd always feared, and it was as lonely, it was as totally without hope. Things would go on as they had before, on and on. My search was over.'" (3.180)

There is no relief at the end of Louis's quest. He has realized that there may never be any answers. Whether you are mortal or vampire, the meaning of life has no definitive response. Is this something depressing or something interesting and exciting?