Dissatisfaction Quotes in Interview with the Vampire

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"'I don't see our life as powers and gifts. I see it as a curse.'" (3.448)

Even after meeting Armand and seeing how sophisticated and luxurious the lives of the European vampires are, Louis is still dissatisfied with being a vampire. Maybe Louis needs to learn how to own it, or maybe he can see through the whole vampire immortality thing better than the other vampires can.

Quote #11

"'You're dead inside to me, you're cold and beyond my reach!'" (4.86)

We shouldn't be that surprised that Louis ends up dissatisfied with Armand. He's dissatisfied with everything. But if there's anything that gets his goat, it's deceit. Once Armand's deceit enters the equation, Louis can never be satisfied with him again.