
Here's an article discussing the physics of invisibility and why the Invisible Man would be blind.

Wired magazine did a report in 2003 on how advances in technology would make invisibility possible. Um, yes, this is the coolest thing ever.

In 2008, there was news that David S. Goyer, who wrote The Dark Knight, was working on a script for a new Invisible Man movie. Yes, please.
Movie or TV Productions

One of the best film adaptations (and the earliest), this film makes a few changes to the book. For instance, Griffin has a love interest and delivers the line "I meddled in things that man must leave alone." In other words, it makes the story pretty standard for a Hollywood science fiction film. Still, there are some really nice sequences, like this one, where the Invisible Man reveals himself.

In this 1958 TV version (H. G. Wells' The Invisible Man) the invisible man is a scientist who uses his invisibility to spy on enemies and help solve crimes. Interestingly, no actor was credited as playing the invisible man; that way, people could pretend that it was actually an invisible man.

In this 1975 TV version, another scientist accidentally turns himself invisible and gets a new job as a spy. This show didn't do so well, so in 1976 they sort of rebooted the concept as Gemini Man. One season later, that got the boot, too.

The son of the Invisible Man thinks he's made himself invisible in this sketch from Amazon Women on the Moon, a parody of various sci-fi and late night movies.
Historical Documents

This article from 1902 (!) shows how, at the time of its publication, people were really interested in Wells for his forecasting about the future.

Another New York Times gem; this time, a review of the 1933 movie. Shmoop's review: two thumbs up.

By the 1940s, the New York Times clearly thought the Invisible Man was a sillier premise.

This is a clip from the 1933 movie The Invisible Man when out main man finally reveals himself (or his lack of self).

This really has nothing to do with the book, but it's too cool to leave out. This guy is an artist who paints himself to match his backgrounds, disappearing completely.

If you want to hear how the country folk speak, this audio book can give you a nice taste of it.

The first section of this radio program asks the question: which is better, invisibility or flight? The answer may say something about what sort of person you are.

Listen to an interview with the author (and his name-sharing colleague, Orson Welles).

Alan Moore (who speaks here) wrote a wonderful comic book which reuses several science fictional and horror characters from the nineteenth century, including the Invisible Man – who turns out to be not so nice.

An early cover of The Invisible Man. How would you have drawn it?

Another cover of The Invisible Man, this time showing the Invisible Man wrapped up in bandages.

One more cover (Shmoop's edition!) This one seems like a version of Rene Magritte's painting, "The Son of Man."

The man himself. (He looks a little mischievous, don't you think?)

We'd probably get some better effects if it we remade today. (We're looking at you, James Cameron.)