Find quotes from this poem, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Foolishness and Folly Quotes
Flattered by futile error,little you see, thinking you see so much,for you seek love and trust in venal hearts—he with more followers is more surrounded by his enemies. (23-27)
Warfare Quotes
[...] what are the swords of strangers doing here?In order that the verdant plain be painted red with that barbaric blood? (20-22)
Duty Quotes
[...] and there the truth divinebe heard through me, unworthy as I am (15-16)
Betrayal Quotes
You, in whose hands Fortune has placed the reinsof these beautiful regionsfor which it seems no pity moves your heart,what are the swords of strangers doing here? (17-20)
Patriotism Quotes
O, my own Italy, though words be useless to heal the mortal woundsI see covering all your lovely body,I wish at least for my sighs to be onewith Tiber's hopes and Arno'sas well as Po's (1-6)