How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from It's a Wonderful Life.
Quote #4
GEORGE: This town needs this crummy one-horse institution if for no other reason than to keep people from crawling to Potter.
Potter's greed is what motivates George to keep the Building and Loan going.
Quote #5
GEORGE: If Potter gets hold of this Building and Loan, there'll never be another decent house built in this town. He's already got charge of the bank. He's got the bus line. He got the department stores. And now, he's after us. Why? Well, it's very simple. Because we're cutting in on his business, that's why. And because he wants to keep you living in his slums and paying the kind of rent he decides.
When there's a run on the bank, George has to lay out Potter's motives so his customers won't withdraw all of their money. He's able to convince them because they already know that Potter is a heartless, greedy guy. All George has to do is remind them of it.
Quote #6
POTTER: Take during the Depression, for instance. You and I were the only ones that kept our heads. You saved the Building and Loan, and I saved all the rest.
GEORGE: Yes. Well, most people say you stole all the rest.
POTTER: The envious ones say that, George, the suckers. Now, I have stated my side very frankly. Now, let's look at your side. Young man, 27, 28 ... married, making, say, 40 a week.
GEORGE: Forty-five!
Did Potter have a change of heart? Could he be complimenting George on his business acumen? Dream on. He's trying to flatter him so he can buy him off. If George works for Potter, kiss the Building and Loan goodbye.