Jacob Have I Loved Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I suppose every mother is reduced to idiocy when describing her firstborn, but, oh, he is a beauty—large and dark like his father, but with the bright blue eyes of the Bradshaws. I swear from his cry that he will be a singer and from his huge hands that he will follow the water, which makes his father laugh aloud and tease me about our son setting sail on the trickle of a stream that crosses our pasture.

The older children adore him, and, as for the valley people, it doesn't matter how often I explain that we named the baby for my father, they are all sure that Truitt is their namesake. Their need for me made them accept me into their lives, but now I feel that they are taking me into their hearts as well. (20.4-5)

Louise continues family traditions by naming her son after her father (and her new adopted home). She may struggle with her family growing up, but she still loves them. Finally, she can move past all the Caroline drama. Well, sort of.