Jacob Have I Loved Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I knew there was something different about you. I kept wondering ever since you came. Why would a woman like you, who could have anything she wanted, come to a place like this? Now I understand." He left off stroking his daughter's hair and leaned forward, his big hands open as though he needed their help to explain his meaning. "God in heaven,"—I thought at first it was an oath, it had been so long since I'd heard the expression used in any other way—"God in heaven's been raising you for this valley from the day you were born."

I was furious. He didn't know anything about me or the day I was born or he'd never say such a foolish thing, sitting there so piously at his kitchen table, sounding for all the world like a Methodist preacher. (19.35-36)

Seems like Louise's future husband actually knows a whole lot about her. Louise might have thought God so hated her that she was forgotten and left behind, but it's not true at all. She has strength. She has determination. She has a purpose. You go, Sara Louise Bradshaw.