Jacob Have I Loved Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"God in heaven,"—I thought at first it was an oath, it had been so long since I'd heard the expression used in any other way—"God in heaven's been raising you for this valley from the day you were born."

I was furious. He didn't know anything about me or the day I was born or he'd never say such a foolish thing, sitting there so piously at his kitchen table, sounding for all the world like a Methodist preacher. (19.35-36)

Oh, Louise, did you think God hated you? Think again. Louise's future husband says the one thing that she knows can't be true but must be: God does have a plan for her, and he does care about her. It's not just The Caroline Show. He loves Louise, too. Sniff, sniff.