Jaws Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Jaws.

Quote #4

QUINT: Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for ya, but […] I value my neck a lot more than 3000 bucks, Chief! I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him and kill him for ten!

Quint's speech establishes him as a different kind of man than anyone else on happy little Amity Island. He's tough as nails (on a chalkboard), competent, and decidedly rough around the edges. He's almost a caricature of the tough, manly sailor.

Quote #5

QUINT: You're on board my vessel. I'm mate, master, pilot, and I'm captain. I'll take him for ballast, Chief.

Quint reluctantly agrees to let Brody and Hooper go with him to hunt the shark, but he makes clear from the start who's the boss. He's bringing Hooper for ballast; i.e., he's a useless girl. Quint is one tough dude.

Quote #6

QUINT: Here's to swimmin' with bowlegged women!

Quint's also the bawdy one, singing suggestive songs about women and teasing Ellen Brody. Other than Quint's suggestive songs and Ellen's proposal to the Chief to "get drunk and fool around," there's almost no sexual content in the film. This is basically the only area where the men don't compete against each other. Spielberg ditched the novel's plotline of Ellen and Hooper having an affair, thinking it would detract from the story. Agree?