The Joy Luck Club Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

So now I know Auntie Ying’s daughter, Lena, told her about my being evicted from my apartment on lower Russian Hill. Even though Lena and I are still friends, we have grown naturally cautious about telling each other too much. (I.1.114)

Though they grew up together, friendship is not free and easy between the daughters of the Joy Luck Club.

Quote #5

And I am embarrassed by the end-of-the-year-banquet lie my aunties have told to mask their generosity. I am crying now, sobbing and laughing at the same time, seeing but not understanding this loyalty to my mother. (I.1.130)

When it matters, the Joy Luck Club will step up to take care of its own.

Quote #6

And in the afternoon, she sat in a char in my room, knitting me a pink sweater while telling me about a sweater that Auntie Suyuan had knit for her daughter June, and it was most unattractive and of the worst yarn. (III.2.60)

Being friends doesn’t exclude the possibility of competition between the women of the Joy Luck Club. Although Lindo and Suyuan are best friends, they constantly criticize and attempt to one-up each other.