Kaffir Boy Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Okay, now, boy," growled one of the men. "Put that knife down and come quietly. You'll only be gone three months."

"Three months," exclaimed my mother. "He can't afford to be gone that long! Exams are coming up soon."

"This is the most important exam of his life, musadi," said one of the men. "He's to be tested for his manhood."

"Maybe he can go next year."

"I'm not going anywhere, ever," I said. "If I need to be circumcised I'll go to the clinic. I'll kill anybody that dares lays a hand on me." (37.14-18)

Mark knows that violence is the only thing that will make him safe, and the only thing that these men will listen to. He therefore uses violence to protect himself from his father's decision to kidnap him and make him attend tribal school in the bus.

Quote #8

We in South Africa had never been called slaves, though, all along, day in and day out, we had been treated worse than slaves. None of our ancestors, as far as I could tell from our distorted history, had ever been shackled and considered chattel, bred and traded like cattle, as the ancestors of the American black had been.

Yet somehow, in a mysterious, diabolical way, our growth as a people, our aspirations as individuals, our capacity to dream and to create, our hopes for the future as a nation united, had been ruthlessly stunted by whites who possessed our lives from birth to death. (38.45-46)

Though blacks in South Africa were never slaves, the psychological violence committed against them under the system of apartheid was just as bad.