The Killers Resources
Movie or TV Productions
The Killers, starring Ava Gardner and Burt Lancaster. Only the first fifteen minutes or so are the actual Hemingway story, and the rest goes off into film noir detective land as the story behind Ole’s fate is uncovered.
Ubiytsy, which is Russian for "The Killers", was made in 1958. It was Andrei Tarkovsky’s first film, back when he was a student, which really only means something to you if you’re super-into film or amazingly talented Russians.
The Killers, directed by Don Siegel and including Ronald Reagan. Again, this takes Hemingway’s story as the premise and runs with it.
Ernest Hemingway as an old man.
A great screen-shot from the 1946 Burt Lancaster film.
If this doesn’t make you want to read "The Killers," nothing will.
Well….except for this.
This is another ad for the 1946 film.
It’s the original Scribner’s issue which first published "The Killers."