Kindred Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) or (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You damned black b—!" (5.2.61)

Tom Weylin is not a fan of being threatened by Dana. And as we can see from this comment, he's just as annoyed by a woman talking back to him as he is by a black person talking back. With Dana's, the offense is doubly frustrating for him.

Quote #5

I remembered suddenly the way he used to talk to his mother. If he couldn't get what he wanted from her gently, he stopped being gentle. Why not? She always forgave him. (5.6.85)

In this passage, Dana outlines how Margaret Weylin's spoiling behavior toward Rufus is part of what makes him grow up to be so horrible to women. His mother has taught him that a woman will give him whatever he wants and forgive him immediately when he's cruel to them.

Quote #6

"What you think your wants got to do with it?" (5.10.14)

Alice is quick to remind Dana that her personal desires have nothing to do with whether Rufus gets to take her to bed. That's the toughest part about being a slave and a woman at the same time.