Websites has all kinds of scoop on your new favorite Irishman.

If doesn't cut the mustard for you, check out the Poetry Foundation's take on the guy.

Um, guys, Yeats was kind of a big deal. Want proof? He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. Check out Yeats's Nobel Prize lecture in full, including notes.

Find some fellows at the Yeats Society, and check out what they do in memory of the great writer.

Watch Yeats roll in to Stockholm to take home the win in one smart chapeau.

See the man behind the verse, who wasn't averse to reading said verse.

Yeats gives a theatrical reading of "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" and more.

Hear Yeats (along with a chunk of other famous poets) read his poems aloud.

Yeats's grave, with a seriously eerie epitaph.

A portrait of Yeats in his later years, sporting some Harry Potter specs.