Last of the Mohicans Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Before the Mohican boy shall perish for the want of a friend, good faith shall depart the 'arth, and 'killdeer' become as harmless as the tooting we'pon of the singer!" (25.86)

Here Hawkeye is proclaiming his friendship with Uncas. Which better characterizes their relationship, friendship between equals or a father-son type of bond?

Quote #8

So saying, the scout returned and shook David cordially by the hand; after which act of friendship he immediately left the lodge, attended by the new representative of the beast. (26.59)

This is the first moment Hawkeye swears friendship by David. This occurs after David requests that, in the event of his murder, no one avenge his death. Hawkeye grudgingly respects this mode of thinking.

Quote #9

"La Longue Carabine!" exclaimed Tamenund, opening his eyes, and regarding the scout sternly. "My son has not done well to call him friend."

"I call him so who proves himself such," returned the young chief, with great calmness, but with a steady mien. "If Uncas is welcome among the Delawares, then is Hawkeye with his friends." (30.34-30.35)

Uncas shows that his friendship with Hawkeye goes both ways as he defends his friendship in front of Tamenund.