Last of the Mohicans Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"No, Sagamore, not alone. The gifts of our colors may be different, but God has so placed us as to journey in the same path. I have no kin, and I may also say, like you, no people. He was your son, and a red-skin by nature; and it may be that your blood was nearer—but, if ever I forget the lad who has so often fou't at my side in war, and slept at my side in peace, may He who made us all, whatever may be our color or our gifts, forget me! The boy has left us for a time; but, Sagamore, you are not alone." (33.44)

Hawkeye pledges everlasting friendship to Chingachgook here, despite racial differences. Aww, this makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside.