Guilt and Blame Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I would. Please do not imagine I would forgive you, Lawrence. I would make sure I hurt you." (7.124)

Vengeance isn't absent from Little Bee's vocabulary. She makes it clear to Lawrence that if he messes with her, she'll do what she can to make him pay. We believe her, too. The question is, did Lawrence set up Little Bee to get arrested on purpose? Or, does Little Bee think he did? If so, maybe him finding out what plane she was on (so Sarah and Charlie could go with her to Nigeria) makes up for it.

Quote #8

"What you did is a crime," he said. "Now I don't have a choice. I have to go to the police." (7.181)

It's hard to say whether Lawrence really believes Little Bee's interactions with Andrew when he commits suicide are criminal, or whether he just wants to find a way to get rid of her.

Quote #9

"I was at mine nursery," he said. "That's when the baddies got mine Daddy." (9.102)

Charlie feels totally responsible for his father's death. He feels that as Batman, he should have been able to save Andrew. At this point, he sort of knows that Andrew is dead, but is holding out hope that he's just been kidnapped by baddies. If Charlie stays Batman, maybe he'll be able to save Andrew yet. Poor kid.