Love Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

That was when I stood up and I started to run toward Charlie. Don't shoot, don't shoot, I AM THE ONE THAT YOU WANT […]. (11.223)

Here, Little Bee shows her love for Charlie in the most dramatic fashion, putting herself between the child and the soldiers with guns.

Quote #11

"That is it. Udo means, peace. Do you know what peace is, Charlie?"

Charlie shook his head.

"Peace is the time when people can tell each other their real names." (11.240-11.242)

We think peace is a kind of love, for sure. Here, Little Bee lives up to her given name with a simple act – revealing her real name to Charlie to help him be able to use his real name again, and begin to move past the guilt he feels over his father's death.