A Long Way from Chicago Grandma Dowdel Quotes

"It's the Centennial Celebration," Grandma said. "We're all going back to the old days and the old ways for a week."

"Grandma," I said, "you never gave up any of the old ways." (7.17-18)

The idea of going back to the "old ways" for a week is laughable because Grandma Dowdel already lives as though they're in the midst of the "old days." Still, the kids play along with the whole charade.

Grandma Dowdel

Quote 17

"He was just an old reprobate who lived poor and died broke," Grandma said. "Nobody went near him because he smelled like a polecat. He lived in a chicken coop, and now they'll have to burn it down." (1.15)

When the kids go to stay with Grandma, they're exposed to a completely different way of life—one that's slower and also involves being surrounded by a great deal of poverty. It's eye-opening and helps to round out their perspective on the world.

Grandma Dowdel

Quote 18

"Vampires? No. The only bloodsuckers is the banks." Grandma stroked her chins. "Movies is all pretend. They're made in California, you know. But they prove a point. Make something seem real, and people will believe it. The public will swallow anything." (6.39)

Grandma Dowdel doesn't see vampires as monsters, but she does see banks as the real bloodsuckers. They're the ones who are taking away people's livelihoods, and she won't stand for that.