A Long Way from Chicago Grandma Dowdel Quotes

Grandma Dowdel

Quote 25

"There's no private matters in this town, Merle," Grandma said. "Everybody's private business is public property."

"Yes, and you've stuck your nose in ours!" Mrs. Stubbs said, speaking up sharp. "You got that Eubanks gal upstairs this minute." (5.137-138)

The thing about living in a small town is that everyone knows everyone else's business—and that's definitely the case when Mary Alice sneaks Vandalia into Grandma Dowdel's house.

Grandma Dowdel

Quote 26

"O.B. Dickerson, the sheriff," she said, "and them drunk skunks with him is the entire business community of the town."

Mary Alice gasped. The drawers on some of the business community were riding mighty low. "They're not acting right," she said, very prim. (3.75-76)

Grandma Dowdel and the kids aren't too impressed when they see all the "distinguished" men from town drunk and acting silly. These are the guys that are supposed to be the guardians of the town? What a joke.

Grandma Dowdel

Quote 27

"They're pulling your leg, sonny. You drop by The Coffee Pot and tell them you heard that Shotgun's being buried from my house with full honors. He'll spend his last night above ground in my front room, and you're invited." (1.54)

Even though Grandma is rarely involved in all the gossip and hoopla around town, she decides to host Shotgun Cheatham's wake at her house. This surprises just about everyone because they all know how much Grandma likes to keep to herself.