Looking for Alaska Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Daysbefore.Paragraph) and (daysafter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Her funeral Sunday. I wondered if the Colonel would get back by then, where he was. He had to come back for the funeral, because I could not go alone, and going with anyone other than the Colonel would amount to alone. (2after.53)

Even though he would be with the entire student body at Culver Creek, Miles thinks he would be "alone." What does this say about his friendships with Takumi and Lara?

Quote #8

"Well, my gut wants to know," Lara said, and only then did I realize […]—I may have kissed her, but I really didn't have a monopoly on Alaska; the Colonel and I weren't the only ones who cared about her, and weren't alone in trying to figure out how she died and why. (46after.37)

It takes Miles two months to realize that Alaska had other friends who also grieve for her. What does this tell us about his friendship with Takumi and Lara?

Quote #9

But we knew what could be found out, and in finding it out, she had made us closer—the Colonel and Takumi and me, anyway. (118after.2)

There's something about the process of working through grief with friends that bonds them. Try to articulate how this works.