
Seussville: where Dr. Seuss hangs out in his spare time. This site is loaded with info, games, and activities. Plus some music that will be stuck in your head for days.

Help the Lorax protect the forest and its creatures. For real.

Shmoop has been itching for a road trip. First, a walking tour of Dostoyevsky's St. Petersburg. Then on to Dr. Seuss's hometown for a tour of the sculpture garden. We can't wait to check out the sculpture of the Lorax.
Movie or TV Productions

Starring Danny DeVito as the Lorax (too perfect), this version has our little boy fall in love with a little lady. Ah, Hollywood.

We're linking you up to the IMDB page too, just to be on the safe side. Now would be a good time to mention that this movie came out as "an IMAX 3D Experience." If only we could get butterfly milk smell-o-vision.

Not as glitzy as the twenty-first century version, but this 1972 adaptation is definitely worth a Seuss night watch. (What, you don't have Seuss nights?)
Articles and Interviews

Looks like even grownups are reading The Lorax. No offense to academics, but we like our own take better.

Did we mention that the 2012 film adaptation of The Lorax has some international flavor?

Two-feet tall, 300 pounds. Last seen at Dr. Seuss's estate.

Check out the trailer for the 2012 movie. No 3D glasses required.

Use this to entertain The Lorax lover in your life. It's an interactive version of the story, with optional audio.

This iPhone app features planet saving games set in the Lorax's world. Even though we hate to admit it, kids would probably be better at this than adults.

Check out the 1971 TV movie of The Lorax. This one sticks pretty close to the book.

NPR goes hard, throwing Dr. Seuss a huge birthday bash. Take a listen.

Shmoop wants this sculpture. It's huggably cute. (Don't worry, we didn't snatch it up.)

Our guy's resemblance to the Cat in the Hat is seriously uncanny.

No words.

His own postage stamp.