How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #10
The Xinguanos were famous for fishing with bows and arrows, their bodies perched silently on the fronts of canoes—a pose that Jack and Raleigh had excitedly caught on camera, sending the images back to the Museum of the American Indian. Vajuvi and his son, however, took out some fishing lines and baited the hooks. Then they spun the lines over their heads like lassos and sent the hooks sailing into the center of the lagoon. (23.46)
One of the keys to adapting in the jungle is to learn the strengths of the tribes who live there. Fawcett does this well, and his strengths rub off on them, too. With globalization, people will learn strengths from others all over the world (people will also trample all over other people from all over the world, but that's another story); but it's important to not let your unique strengths fade from disuse. Use it or lose it.