

Symbols and Tropes

Hero's Journey

Ever notice that every blockbuster movie has the same fundamental pieces? A hero, a journey, some conflicts to muck it all up, a reward, and the hero returning home and everybody applauding his or...


Tokyo, JapanTokyo is the perfect place for Bob and Charlotte to meet, and here's why: it’s gorgeous and exciting, but it's also intimidating and scary. It's vibrant, but it's not always welcoming...

Point of View

Lost in Translation's narrative structure can best be described as the film narrative equivalent of what happens when you let your five-year-old cousin "braid" your hair. If you've never had the pl...


Drama; ComedyLost in Translation has all the hallmarks of a dramatic film: A long-distance relationship on the brink of disaster. Meaningful glances across a crowded hotel bar. Karaoke.The story ha...

What's Up With The Title?

The Greeks have a beautiful word, parea, that describes a group of pals who get together solely to discuss their experiences, values, and ideas. As in, "Hey, Brad. Call Tiffany. We're getting the p...

What's Up With The Ending?

Nobody knows what Bob whispers to Charlotte. The end.Wait, you want more explanation than that? Okay, here goes: Nobody but Bill Murray and Scarlett Johannsson knows what Bob whispers to Charlotte...

Shock Rating

RLost in Translation earns its R rating primarily because it's a movie for grown-ups about complicated grown-up feelings like loneliness, alienation, and disenchantment. There's some brief nudity,...