Lost in Translation Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Lost in Translation? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What's the name of the real-life hotel where Bob and Charlotte are both guests?

Park Hyatt Tokyo
Cerulean Tower Tokyo
Shibuya Tobu Hotel
The Bates Motel
Q. Charlotte tells Lauren she tried Ikebana. What's that?

Flower arranging
Sushi rolling
Cheap but stylish Swedish furniture
Hot sauce
Q. Who is Bob's contact person with Suntory in Japan?

Mrs. Kawasaki
Mrs. Toyota
Mrs. Honda
Mrs. Doubtfire
Q. Suntory whisky is real. Their slogan in the film is not. How does it go?

"For relaxing times, make it Suntory time."
"Suntory single malt: The “Taste of Tokyo.'"
"For people who share a thirst for excitement: Suntory."
"Got whisky?"
Q. On his day off, Bob goes golfing in the shadow of what famous Japanese landmark?

Mount Fuji
Itsukushima Shrine
Nagoya Castle
The Great Wall of China