Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Lysistrata.
Women and Femininity Quotes
Lysistrata: "Now if someone had invited them to a revel for Bacchus, or to Pan's shrine, or to Genetyllis' at Colias, the streets would be impassible, what with their tambourines. But as it is, the...
Sex Quotes
Calonice: "Well, Lysistrata dear, what exactly is this business you're calling us women together for? What's the deal? Is it a big one?" Lysistrata: "It's big."Calonice: "Not juicy as well?"Lysistr...
Men and Masculinity Quotes
Men's Leader: "By god, if someone had socked them in the mouth a couple of times, like Bupalus, they wouldn't be making any noise!"Women's Leader: "Okay, here's my mouth; someone take a sock at it;...
Warfare Quotes
Lysistrata: "[The] salvation of all Greece lies in the women's hands."Calonice: "In the women's hands? A precarious place to be!"Lysistrata: "Yes, our country's future depends on us: whether the Pe...
The Home Quotes
Lysistrata: "But my heart's on fire, Calonice, and I'm terribly annoyed about us women. You know, according to the men we're capable of any sort of mischief—"Calonice: "And so we surely are!"Lysi...
Politics Quotes
Magistrate: "We're at war on account of the money, is that it?"Lysistrata: "Yes, and that's why everything else got messed up too. It was for opportunities to steal that Pisander and the others who...
Power Quotes
Calonice: "And what if they grab us and drag us into the bedroom by force?"Lysistrata: "Hold onto the door."Calonice: "And what if they beat us?"Lysistrata: "Then submit, but disagreeably: men get...
Perseverance Quotes
Calonice: "And what if they grab us and drag us into the bedroom by force?"Lysistrata: "Hold onto the door."Calonice: "And what if they beat us?"Lysistrata: "Then submit, but disagreeably: men get...