Mad Max: Fury Road Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mad Max: Fury Road.

Quote #4

ANGHARAD: We're going to the Green Place. We're going to the Green Place of Many Mothers.

"The Green Place of Many Mothers" as a phrase connects two very important themes in Fury Road into one concept: ecofeminism. Environmental survival (in other words, green-ness) is correlated with motherhood as a value. Basically, in this world, women in power might mean more green for everyone. Men in power means more Immortan Joes.

Quote #5

TOAST THE KNOWING: Of all the legs you had to shoot, that one was attached to his favorite.

Toast's flippant comment to Max in passing shows just how ingrained the idea of women-as-property is ingrained in this culture. Even Toast—a smart young woman seeking agency and liberation—describes Angharad's leg injury as if it's a dent in Immortan's favorite Cadillac.

Quote #6

TOAST THE KNOWING: Don't damage the goods.

Here's another example of Toast's world-building snark. She's in danger from Max here, and she refers to herself—her own body—as goods. She sees herself as a commodity because that's how the world treats her. But based on her sarcastic tone, we know she knows she's more.