Mad Max: Fury Road Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mad Max: Fury Road.

Quote #7

IMMORTAN JOE: Splendid! That's my child! My property!

Not only are the women property—their offspring are too. We never hear about whether or not these women have borne Immortan Joe other children (perhaps girls, who can't be heir to his Citadel throne?), but we can imagine that any children these women have will not be given a chance to be loved by their mothers. And their mothers will have no say in their children's future.

Quote #8

CHEEDO: We were his treasures!

CAPABLE: Cheedo!

CHEEDO: We were protected! He gave us the high life! What's wrong with that?

CAPABLE: We are not things.

You tell her, Capable. What's so sad about this moment is that it illustrates the small compromises these women must make in order to survive. In this moment, Cheedo thinks, hey, we had it pretty good back there. After all, they weren't like the wretched. They were fed and clothed and educated. But at the end of the day, they were still slaves. And for Capable, that's all that matters.

Quote #9

ORGANIC MECHANIC: Another month, could have been your viable human.

IMMORTAN JOE: Was it a male?

ORGANIC MECHANIC: Your A-1 Alpha prime.

We can't help but notice that it sounds an awful lot like the Organic Mechanic is describing Angharad's stillborn baby like he would a steak. So it looks like Immortan Joe's commodification of the human body extends to men, too. Or male babies in this case.