Maggie: A Girl of the Streets True or False

1. Who says, "Hi, you, git a russle on yehs! What deh hell yehs lookin' at? Two more beehs, d'yeh hear?" -> Pete
2. Who says, "[D]on' foller me from one end of deh city teh deh odder. Let up, will yehs! Give me a minute's res', can't yehs? Yehs makes me tired, allus taggin' me. See? Ain' yehs got no sense. Do yehs want people teh get onto me? Go chase yerself, fer Gawd's sake"? -> Mr. Johnson
3. Who says, "Gawd [...] I wonner if I've been played fer a duffer"? -> Pete
4. Who says, "All right […] All right for you! We'll see the next time you ask me to go anywheres with you"? -> Nellie
5. Who says, "Eh? What? Home […] I beg pardon, did hear say home?" -> Freddie
