How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"How amazing is it that we ever planned to read it indoors," said Mrs. Ali. "It has so much more power out here where it was made." (14.16)
Reading isn't just a pastime to do inside a dusty old room. Mrs. Ali brings her love of reading outside and shares it with the world.
Quote #8
"Life does often get in the way of one's reading," agreed the Major. (14.86)
The Major seems like the type of guy who might sit around and read all day, even if he is just reading the same books over and over again. Since he marries Mrs. Ali in the end, we see lots of hot reading sessions in their future.
Quote #9
Would Don Quixote or Sir Galahad have been able to maintain his chivalrous ardour for the romantic quest, wondered the Major, if he had been forced to crawl bumper-to-bumper through an endless landscape of traffic cones, belching lorries, and sterile motorway service areas? (21.1)
The Major's major romantic ideals are literary characters. No surprise, coming from a man so literary.