How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"You have family, of course."
"Yes, quite an extended family." He detected a dryness in her tone. "But it is not the same as the infinite bond between a husband and wife." (1.30)
Mrs. Ali was closer to her husband than she was to any members of her family, aside, perhaps, from her deceased father, whom she loved and respected very much.
Quote #2
"I have an old tweed jacket that my husband used to wear," she said softly. "Sometimes I put it on and take a walk around my garden. And sometimes I put his pipe in my mouth to taste the bitterness of his tobacco." (1.34)
Losing a spouse is hard, and Mrs. Ali and the Major show that losing a beloved husband or wife isn't something a person ever really gets over. They try to hang on to their spouses as much as possible while continuing to live in the moment.
Quote #3
The will made no mention of any bequests of personal items, to anyone, offering only a single line: "My wife may dispose of any and all personal effects as she deems fit." (4.59)
There's a downside to being closer to a spouse than the rest of the family, but that downside is for the family. The Major respects his family, but his brother put his wife and his newer family first.