How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"They took me away from her because of faith. I didn't like it, but I understood and I forgave them. Now I fear they withdraw their objection in order to secure financial advantage." (14.106)
In Abdul Wahid's culture, marriage isn't about love—it's about a transaction. Abdul Wahid doesn't approve of this. He doesn't want to marry Amina just so his family can gain a store.
Quote #8
"What about the wedding?" [Mrs. Ali] asked. "I must see them safely married." (21.81)
Just because Mrs. Ali thinks it's silly for Abdul Wahid to refuse to sleep in a house with an unmarried woman, that doesn't mean she's not excited to see him get hitched. She makes attending the wedding her top priority… even if it ends up not happening in the end.