How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"My nephew insists he cannot sleep under my roof with an unmarried woman, so he slept in the car," said Mrs. Ali. "I pointed out the obvious inconsistency in his thinking, but his new religiosity permits him to be stubborn." (12.82)
Abdul Wahid's devotion to his marriage has him pretending that he can't be in the presence of an unmarried woman. The "obvious inconsistency" here is that this didn't stop him before: he is the father of Amina's child, meaning that he did more than just sleep under a roof with her.
Quote #5
"We have no plans to get married anytime soon, or I would have told you." (13.90)
The Major is a traditional man. He's not as traditional as Abdul Wahid, but he still values marriage, and it seems like he'd rather Roger and Sandy be married if they're going to live together.
Quote #6
"Marriage is a wonderful part of life," said the Major.
"Yes, so's retirement," said Roger. "But you might as well put them both off as long as possible." […]
"All this lack of commitment these days—doesn't it smack of weakness of character?" (13.94-13.96)
The Pettigrew family's attitudes toward marriage are very representative of modern attitudes. Many younger people, like Roger, don't see marriage as the same commitment as their elders do.