Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Major Pettigrew's Last Stand? Put your knowledge to
the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who is Jemima?
Major Pettigrew's sister-in-law
Major Pettigrew's niece
Major Pettigrew's deceased wife
Major Pettigrew's pancake syrup pourer
Q. Who is Marjorie?
Major Pettigrew's sister-in-law
Major Pettigrew's niece
Major Pettigrew's deceased wife
Major Pettigrew's butter substitute
Q. Who is Alec?
Major Pettigrew's brother
Major Pettigrew's BFF
Major Pettigrew's father
Major Pettigrew's favorite Baldwin
Q. Who is Mrs. Rasool?
Mrs. Ali's friend
Mrs. Ali's mother-in-law
Mrs. Ali's niece
Mrs. Ali's crime fighting alter-ego
Q. Who is George?
Abdul Wahid's father
Abdul Wahid's brother
Abdul Wahid's son
Abdul Wahid's favorite Clooney