How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"We've gone from being the right sort of people to being a strange bunch with a circus of hangers-on. For God's sake, one's Pakistani and one's tipsy—what were you thinking?" (10.82)
Roger lumps an alcoholic and a Pakistani into the same category. Both, to him, are problems that need to be addressed. That Roger sure is a charmer.
Quote #8
"Well, it's all the same thing," said Daisy. "It's all India, isn't it?"
"But it's not the same at all," said the Major. (11.110-11.111)
You would never hear Daisy say, "It's all England, isn't it?" That's because she is the type of person who cares about her own culture and heritage and dismisses everything else.
Quote #9
"Mrs. Ali is so quintessentially Indian, or at least quintessentially Pakistani, in the best sense." (11.145)
Alma might as well call Mrs. Ali "quintessentially brown," because just about all she can see is skin color. She makes no effort to know the woman beneath the brown skin. And what on earth does she mean by "in the best sense"?