Marcelo in the Real World Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It is hard for Marcelo to look at women the way Wendell does. When I tried to see a woman the way he does, there was something that made me think of Adam and Eve when they saw each other naked and felt ashamed. Why? If sex is good, why is there shame?" (12.28)

Ah, the question of the ages. If you have even the slightest inkling you might be hurting yourself or someone else when you have sex, you're already halfway up the apple tree with the snake.

Quote #5

"Sexual intercourse is how humans procreate. The erect penis of the man goes into the vagina of the woman. I am not a child." (12.45)

Marcelo may understand the nuances of religion, but he's got a lot to learn about the nuances of sex.

Quote #6

"You want to f*** her." I hate using the word, but it is the word that most accurately describes what I think Wendell wants to do. The other alternatives like "making love" or even "sexual intercourse" do not seem precise enough. (13.39)

What a bummer that this is Marcelo's real-world lesson in the nuances of normal-people language. Thanks, Wendell. You're a great teacher, said no one never.