Mary Poppins Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Mary Poppins.

Quote #4

GEORGE: Remember that the bank is a quiet and decorous place, and we must be on our best behavior.

MICHAEL: But I thought it was your bank.

GEORGE: Yes, well, I'm one of the junior officers, so in a sense it is. Sort of.

George's jacked-up sense of purpose at the beginning of the movie gives way, at the end, to his sense that he's an insecure and minor official at the bank, worried about what kind of impression he's making on his superiors.

Quote #5

GEORGE: A man has dreams of walking with giants. To carve his niche in the edifice of time. Before the mortar of his seal has a chance to congeal... The cup is dashed from his lips! The flame is snuffed a-borning...he's brought to wrack and ruin in his prime.

George thinks he's being destroyed—but actually, he's escaping his cage and becoming a new man. He's being reborn as a cool dad who likes flying kites with his kids.