Hally Timeline and Summary


Hally Timeline and Summary

  • Hally comes to his mother's tea room after school.
  • He jokes with Sam and Willie about their upcoming dance contest and his homework.
  • Hally and Sam discuss the great social reformers of history, and then reminisce about Hally's childhood.
  • On the phone, Hally argues with his mother about whether or not she should bring his dad home from the hospital.
  • As he gets worried about his father leaving the hospital. He gets more and more irritable and nasty to Willie and Sam.
  • Hally tries to write a homework assignment about the dance competition as a cultural event.
  • Finding out that his father is coming home after all, Hally flies into a rage and starts acting like a tyrant.
  • He tells Sam and Willie that they need to start calling him Master Harold, and spits in Sam's face.
  • Hally's ashamed of his behavior but can't bring himself to say it or apologize to Sam. He leaves the tearoom and heads home where his parents are waiting for him.