Master Harold... and the boys Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Master Harold... and the boys.

Race Quotes

WILLIE. I know, I know! (To the jukebox) I do it better with music. You got sixpence for Sarah Vaughn? […]SAM. (Shaking his head) It's your turn to put money in the jukebox.WILLIE. I only got bus...

Coming of Age Quotes

(WILLIE lets fly with his slop rag. It misses SAM and hits HALLY)[. . .] HALLY. Act your bloody age! (Hurls the rag back at WILLIE) Cut out the nonsense now and get on with your work. (314-316)

Art and Culture Quotes

HALLY. There's a nice little short story there. "The Kite-Flyers." But we'd have to find a twist in the ending.SAM. Twist?HALLY. Yes. Something unexpected. The way it ended with us was too straight...

Education Quotes

WILLIE. Okay. Help me.SAM. (His turn to hold an imaginary partner) Look and learn. Feet together. Back straight. body relaxed. Right hand placed gently in the small of her back and wait for the mus...

Home and Family Quotes

HALLY. The old Jubilee Boarding House. Sixteen rooms with board and lodging, rent in advance and one week's notice. I haven't thought about it for donkey's years….and I don't think that's an acci...

Competition Quotes

SAM. You got it. Tapdance or ballroom, it's the same. Romance. In two weeks' time when the judges look at you and Hilda, they must see a man and a woman who are dancing their way to a happy ending....

Dissatisfaction and Disillusionment Quotes

HALLY. (A world-weary sigh) I know, I know! I oscillate between hope and despair for this world as well, Sam. But things will change, you wait and see. One day somebody is going to get up and give...

Violence Quotes

SAM. When did you last give her a hiding?WILLIE. (Reluctantly) Sunday night. […] SAM. Hiding on a Sunday night, then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday she doesn't come to practice…and you're askin...