How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"No. They were responsible."
Nobody had ever said those words aloud to me. (17.249)
Devastatingly, Lou has never been able to shake the feeling that she's somehow to blame for what happened in the castle maze, which couldn't be more untrue. This sense of guilt and shame is what has kept her from moving on and rebuilding her sense of self in its wake.
Quote #8
My heart was racing. [...] I had been running pretty much since I received Nathan's text message an hour earlier. (22.6)
When Will catches pneumonia it's pretty much Lou's worst fears realized. Luckily, Will recovers relatively quickly, but it helps her see the health difficulties that he's been living with for over two years.
Quote #9
[H]is eyes [...] said there wasn't necessarily going to be another time. They said he thought he would never be well again. (22.67)
This is the first time that Lou sees Will while he's in the throes of a serious medical issue. He feels both hopeless and terrified—almost imprisoned. It's tough, but it goes a long way toward explaining his decision to end his life.