Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Family Quotes
Everything that is sensible, or smart, Katrina did first, despite being eighteen months younger than me. (2.2)
Love Quotes
I could well imagine Will pushing her away. But surely if you loved someone it was your job to stick with him? (4.124)
Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes
I supposed I would probably marry Patrick, knock out a few kids, live a few streets away from where I had always lived. (2.5)
Fear Quotes
What would we talk about? What if he just stared at me, head lolling, all day? Would I be freaked out? (2.131)
Mortality Quotes
No, it was the livid red lines scoring Will's wrists, the long jagged scars that couldn't be disguised, no matter how swiftly Nathan pulled down Will's sleeves. (5.171)
Society and Class Quotes
I knew the real reason for Dad's anxiety. They relied on my wages. (1.65)
Exploration Quotes
There are 158 footsteps between the bus stop and home, but it can stretch to 180 if you aren't in a hurry. (1.1)
Disappointment Quotes
"I don't do anything, Miss Clark. I can't do anything anymore but sit. I just about exist." (3.122)