How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
What would we talk about? What if he just stared at me, head lolling, all day? Would I be freaked out? (2.131)
Lou is terrified by the prospect of caring for a quadriplegic. In our eyes, however, she's not scared of him because of his disability, but because it's something that's unknown for her. As we'll see, Lou has a big problem facing the unknown.
Quote #2
"A previous caregiver disappeared for several hours once to get her car fixed, and Will...injured himself in her absence." (3.8)
Camilla Traynor is deeply afraid of something happening to Will, which is understandable after we learn about his previous suicide attempt. It's bad enough that something so horrible happened to her only son, but now she's forced to reckon with the idea that he might do something horrible to himself.
Quote #3
I wished I could go back, back to when my biggest worry was whether Frank and I had ordered in enough Chelsea buns. (9.146)
Lou's life was a lot simpler back when she spent her days at the café and her evenings in front of the TV. Meeting Will has been great for her in many ways, but it's also opened her up to a great deal more anxiety and fear about the future.