Medea Sightings
- Medea by Euripides 432BC
This is the play about Medea and we have a ton to say about it.
- The Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodius 301BC - 202BC
Check out Medea and Jason’s days with the Argonauts in this ancient poem.
- The Argonautica by Valerius Flaccus 101BC - 2BC
Another version of the Quest for the Golden Fleece by the author often recognized for having the most ridiculous name ever.
- The Library of History by Diodorus Siculus 101BC - 2BC
Here’s more on Medea, Jason, and the Argonauts. And hey, another fun name.
- The Metamorphoses by Ovid 201 - 300
Ovid gives you all the gory details of King Pelias’s death at the hands of his own daughters—brought to you by the cunning of Medea.
- Medea by Seneca 50
The Roman playwright puts his own spin on Medea’s revenge.
- Medea 1969
Big time opera star, Maria Callas, stars as the tortured sorceress.
- Medea 1983
Zoe Caldwell takes her turn as Medea in this film.
- Medea 1988
Revolutionary director Lars von Trier puts an artsy spin on the tragedy in this film.
- Medea 2005
Medea goes modern in this TV miniseries.
- The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan 2010
Medea tries to use magical “charmspeak” to convince some young demigods to chop each other into little pieces in this follow-up series to Percy Jackson.