Agent J (Will Smith)’s Timeline and Summary

Agent J (Will Smith)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Jay chases a perp through New York City. Before jumping off the Guggenheim Museum, the perp warns him the world's going to end. Kay alters Jay's report and takes him to Jake Jeebs's pawn shop to identify the strange weapon used by the perp.
  • The elder agent erases Jay's memories but gives him a business card with an address and time on it. Jay shows up at the scheduled time to take some tests with a bunch of military types.
  • After the tests, Jay's pulled aside by Kay and told the history of the Men in Black. He offers him a position in the agency.
  • After a night of soul-searching, Jay accepts the offer. His first mission is to deliver an alien squid baby in the back of a station wagon.
  • Next, Jay and Kay question Edgar's widow and learn that a Bug—the most problematic type of alien, evidently—has arrived on Earth.
  • The Bug's killed a jeweler, obviously looking for something very important.
  • The agents visit the morgue where Jay discovers Rosenberg, an alien hidden in the jeweler's head. Rosenberg warns Jay that to prevent war he must find the Galaxy on Orion's belt.
  • After encountering the Bug in the Edgar skin-suit, Jay and Kay visit Frank, an alien disguised as a pug. Frank's information gives Jay what he needs to solve Rosenberg's riddle.
  • Jay goes to the morgue to retrieve the Galaxy but he encounters the Edgar Bug. The Bug escapes with the Galaxy and Laurel, the woman who runs the morgue.
  • Kay and Zed desperately try to figure out how the bug plans on getting off the planet when Jay realizes he plans to use the UFOs disguised as observatory towers at Flushing Meadows Park.
  • Jay and Kay arrive just in time to shoot down the first UFO. When the Bug reveals its true form, it eats their guns. Kay orders Jay to keep it on Earth.
  • After the Bug eats Kay, Jay fights it but is overpowered. He realizes the Bug's soft spot and gets all stompy on some cockroaches to infuriate the creature and buy some time.
  • Kay eviscerates the Bug from the inside out.
  • Kay reveals to Jay that he's been groomed to be his replacement, not his partner. Jay erases Kay's memories.
  • Jay becomes a full-fledged member of the Men in Black, and Laurel becomes his new partner, Agent L.