Rafael "Rafe" Khatchadorian Timeline and Summary


Rafael "Rafe" Khatchadorian Timeline and Summary

  • When Rafe's three years old, his twin brother, Leonardo, dies.
  • Some time after that, Rafe starts talking to Leo as a kind of imaginary friend.
  • Rafe starts the sixth grade at Hills Village Middle School.
  • The first day isn't great—he gets picked on by a bully named Miller and is nearly bored to death at a school assembly in the gym.
  • But then he gets the idea for Operation R.A.F.E. He'll break all the rules in the school's Code of Conduct.
  • Rafe pulls the fire alarm and goofs off in English class. He starts to get in a little more trouble, too, when his teachers catch on to his rule-breaking behavior.
  • Meanwhile, life at home is no picnic. Bear is making life generally unpleasant for Rafe as usual.
  • Mrs. Donatello keeps trying to get through to Rafe, but he's not having any of it.
  • Rafe gets in even more trouble when Mrs. Stricker decides to take things to the next level and calls Mom to let her know that Rafe is acting out.
  • But he's not out of the game just yet—Rafe dresses up like a ninja for Halloween and then strips down to his underwear to run around the halls of HVMS. More detentions follow.
  • Rafe also makes mom cry on her birthday when she hears the news.
  • That's the last straw for Rafe. He doesn't want to hurt Mom, so he does his best to act totally normal at school, until…
  • Miller swipes his Operation R.A.F.E. notebook and he's got to resort to selling illegal sodas out of his locker to earn money to get it back.
  • Rafe is kind of psyched when Jeanne Galletta asks him to help out with a bake sale. Turns out she's just not that into him, though.
  • Report card time…and Rafe's is no bueno.
  • Back at school, Rafe gets in a fight with Miller and earns a super boring in-school suspension.
  • Plus, he has to endure biweekly tutoring sessions with Mrs. Donatello and Jeanne Galletta. Kill him now.
  • Rafe gets a tiny bit of revenge on Miller when he posts some awesome "Miller the Killer Chicken" posters around school. Take that, bully.
  • But then he finds out his grades are so bad he might have to repeat sixth grade. The horror.
  • Of course, if that's the case, then why not go out with a bang? Rafe decides to paint/vandalize the wall behind the gym with a huge mural. His teachers aren't so amused.
  • Neither is Mom. And neither is Bear. Definitely not Bear.
  • Mom and Bear get in a huge fight, and Rafe has to call the police. Good news is, Mom finally kicks Bear out of the house, so that's one less stress Rafe has to deal with.
  • One other stress? Getting expelled. Rafe is officially kicked out of Hills Village Middle School for his little art stunt.
  • Mrs. Donatello has a suggestion, though. Perhaps Rafe would like to attend Airbrook next year? It's an art school, and Rafe would fit right in.
  • So that's where we leave Rafe—he's working hard and trying to get in there. We just love a happy ending…and so does Rafe.