Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life.
Art and Culture Quotes
Leo speaks to me sometimes, but that's about it. Conversation just isn't his thing. If Leo wanted to tell you your house was on fire, he'd probably draw you a picture to let you know. (3.2)
Choices Quotes
I've seen enough movies that I know when you first get to prison, you basically have two choices: (1) pound the living daylights out of someone so that everyone else will think you're insane and st...
Dissatisfaction Quotes
It feels as honest as the day is crummy that I begin this tale of total desperation and woe with me, my pukey sister, Georgia, and Leonardo the Silent sitting like rotting sardines in the back of a...
Family Quotes
So mostly I don't trust anybody. Except my mom, Jules. (Most of the time, anyway.) (1.4)
Identity Quotes
What are you like? Inside, what are you like? Are you basically a pretty good, pretty decent person? Says who? Says you? Says your 'rents? Says your sibs? Okay, in the spirit of a possible friendsh...
Power Quotes
There was just one problem with that plan, and his name was Miller. Miller the Killer, to be exact. It's impossible to stay off this kid's bad side, because it's the only one he's got. But I didn't...
Rules and Order Quotes
People always talk about how great it is to get older. All I saw were more rules and more adults telling me what I could and couldn't do, in the name of what's "good for me." Yeah, well, asparagus...
Versions of Reality Quotes
Okay, so imagine the day your great-great-grandmother was born. Got it? Now go back another hundred years or so. And then another hundred. That's about when they built Hills Village Middle School....