The Misanthrope Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #7

Madam, the flame of friendship ought to burn
Brightest in matters of the most concern,
And as there's nothing which concerns us more
Than honor, I have hastened to your door
To bring you, as your friend, some information
About the status of your reputation. (3.5.4)

What's this "flame of friendship" that's making Arsinoé so eager to come chill with Célimène? It's a flame of something but it sure isn't friendship. Sounds a little more like jealousy to us.

Quote #8

Well, it was one of your friends, Sir, anyway.
He warned you to begone, and he suggested
That if you stay, you may well be arrested. (4.4.37)

Check it out: the word friend has lost its meaning so much by this point in the play that the guard about to drag Alceste away actually becomes a "friend."