The Misanthrope Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Then lose your lawsuit, Madam, or let it drop;
Don't torture me by humoring such a fop. (2.1.46)

Alceste seems to think that lawsuits are just one more stupid convention of a stupid society. You get the sense that he'd rather be off fighting with swords at dawn than having to go sit in a courtroom as though social rules have anything to do with actual justice.

Quote #5

Avenge me on your cousin, whose unjust
And faithless nature has deceived my trust;
Avenge a crime your pure soul must detest. (4.2.33)

Okay, we know that cheating is uncool, but it is unjust? "Justice" is a pretty big concept—for something to be "unjust," we feel like it needs to be a little bigger. Especially considering that we don't get any indication Célimène has ever actually agreed to go out with Alceste.

Quote #6

Did not truth, honor, decency, and the laws
Oppose my enemy and approve my cause?
My claims were justified in all men's sight;
I put my trust in equity and right;
Yet, to my horror and the world's disgrace,
Justice is mocked, and I have lost my case!
While rectitude and decency applaud!
Before his smirking face, the truth stands charmed,
And virtue conquered, and the law disarmed!
His crime is sanctioned by a court decree! (5.1.7)

So, virtue and honor have lost the war against lies and trickery. Gee, color us surprised.